On-Site Training

Would you benefit from a more hands-on approach? Let us come to you for an on-site, interactive training that produces immediate results.

Bringing an SPG expert to your shop drives a fresh, objective course of action and sets the stage for excellence through procedures, role-playing and real-time feedback. On-sites are interactive, insightful and extremely impactful.

TeamSPG - Onsite Visit - a TeamSPG coach instructing a group of electricians
The Service Profit Group - on site training

On-Site Benefits

  • World-class Systems Training
  • Expert trainers with solid industry experience
  • Custom content based on your unique challenges
  • Training for EVERY member of your team

Your Setting, 3 Powerful Days, Lasting Impact

TeamSPG can be your Accountability Partner and grow your business today, starting at your shop!

Whether training Techs on running the Ultimate Service Call, helping CSRs create the perfect customer experience or assisting managers with operational efficiency, SPG brings the exact set of skills and resources to your location.

Graphic icon for Deep Dive & Technician Training On-Site, part of The Service Profit Group's On Site Training Offering
Deep Dive & Technician Training On-site

Process analysis, procedures evaluation, financials discovery and systems streamlining – designed for you and your Office, CSR and Service Managers.

After-action report included.

Graphic icon for Technician On-Site with Ride Along Option, part of The Service Profit Group's On Site Training Offering
Technician On-site with Ride-along Option

Give your Techs ALL the tools for financial success using proven systems with scripting, objection handling strategies, options training and role-play sessions for consistent branding – every tech, every time.

Add the Ride-along option for service call coaching, forms and procedure review and instant feedback in the field.

Graphic icon for CSR & Operations Training On-Site, part of The Service Profit Group's On Site Training Offering
CSR & Operations Training On-site

A step-by-step program designed for the front line of your business. TeamSPG trainers engage CSRs on how to overcome objections, increase call conversions, develop low-call volume strategies and build greater customer loyalty.