TeamSPG Membership Options

TeamSPG knows you have specific needs at different stages of your business cycle, which is why we created flexible options for every level of help you need – from Technician to Management to Leadership.

Select a membership level to view details:
Technician | Management | Leadership

Membership Plans

Pricing Table Plugin

Membership & Benefit Details
Membership Levels

Technician This plan is designed as self motivated maintenance plan for companies only looking for technician training.

Management This plan is for a center looking for growth with a deeper understanding of their business.

Leadership This is an all inclusive plan designed to help owners create systems, understand KPI's, laser focus training, grow, and be profitable.


No Contracts We earn your business every month!

Access to TeamSPG Events Send your technicians and service managers to our 4 day Top Gun training events. We also have Owner's networking and training retreats (fees apply).

Personalized Business Review Call This is the initial call to determine the best way to use all of the tools available to you.

Weekly Accountability Sessions

(Roundtable Meetings) These are a weekly group video calls led by the coaches to discuss issues of importance to our members

Access to Members Only Facebook Group This is a members only access to our Facebook page and group forum. This is a great place to share ideas and get answers to questions and issues you might be having.

Guest Speaker Webinars These webinars will be given by different vendors in different areas off your business. Most of these vendors can also be found on our website.

Technician KTI Board Toolkit and Training Video This board will give you and your team a hands on view of their goals and training needs.

Technician Training Videos These videos will help your technicians understand and give more value during their calls. WE TEACH THEM TO BE GREAT TECHNICIANS, NOT SALESMEN! It is a system for your technicians!

Access to Demographic Peer Network Work with companies inside your industry to share ideas, set and meet your goals, and strategize to solve existing issues.

My Toolbox We offer a wide array of tools and resources for every type of service company. If we don't have it, we will create it for you! (Tiered access based on membership level).

Business Calculators We offer a wide array of business calculators for every type of service company.

User Accounts Give your team logins to our training portal and track their progress!

coach Phone Calls These are calls members use to get advice, coaching, and accountability sessions.

coach Emails Members can reach out to coaches for advice and coaching.

coach Face to Face Time (30 min. Zoom Sessions)

CSR KTI Board Toolkit and Training Video This board will give you and your CSR team a hands on view of their goals, marketing issues, dispatch issues, and training needs.

CSR Training Videos These videos will help your CSRs understand the sales cycle, their role, and how to deliver 5 Star Service on EVERY call!

Live Weekly CSR Training Webinars This is a weekly 1 hour webinar for CSR managers to discuss current issues, training needs, goals, and to engage with their peers and share strategies.

Live Weekly Service Manager Training Webinars This is a weekly 1 hour webinar for service managers to discuss current issues, training needs, goals, and to engage with their peers and share strategies.

Manager Training Videos These videos will teach your managers how to effectively lead your technicians to profit and organization. It is a system for your managers!

Back Office Organization & Planning Cheat Sheet and Videos This is designed to give your back office staff a guide for creating organizational procedures to increase efficiency.

(1) Live Monthly Technician Training Schedule a monthly video webinar to train your technicians on how to execute the Ultimate Service Call, build options, ect..

Customized Quarterly Training Calendar This calendar is designed for all of your training needs, including technical, communication, and ride-a-longs.

S.O.S (Service Operating System) SOS is a management system designed for home service companies to organize, streamline, and hold employees accountable to run effectively. This program is based on the EOS system and designed for the home service industry.

DiSC Training These are 3 days at your location to Learn to identify the major personality types of your staff to improve internal communication throughout your team and technician's relationship building with customers. This is a DiSC certified program and will increase your companies communication and conversion rates.

(testing charges may apply)

DiSC Assessment for the Office DiSC assessments will provide a comprehensive framework for enhancing employee engagement, team dynamics, and organizational culture.

On-site Training These are 3 days at your location training. The training will be decided by the owner and a full report will be given at the end of the 3 day training. You can use this training for managers, CSR's, technicians or any combination you want. Options include "Deep Dive / Tech Training", "Technician Ride Along", and "CSR / Operations Training"

(hotel and travel not included)

(1) Live Monthly Staff Training Webinar Schedule a monthly video webinar to hone your teams skills on sales, customer service, and operations.

Live Back Office Organization and Planning & Training Webinars These live webinars are designed to give your front line staff a different voice and opinion to their training.

Priority scheduling for Events and On-sites Members receive priority scheduling for events and on-site visits.

Monthly Owner's Network Video Conference These are a monthly group video call led by successful owner coaches to discuss issues of importance to our members and hold them accountable to their goals and industry standards

Leadership & Training Videos These videos will teach you the owner how to effectively lead your team, manage your time, create more profit, and systematize your organization. It is a guide for owners!

Marketing & Training Videos These videos are dedicated to understanding your marketing funnels and ROI. They are a guide for owners!

Territory first right of refusal If another service company in your trade and territory wants to join TeamSPG, you get the option of refusing their membership.